Welcome to Energy System Security Lab. at KENTECH

Energy System Security Lab. (esslab) aims to design and implement secure energy AI systems, and verify security of them!

Security by Design

We design and implement security building blocks for energy systems, including public key infrastructure (PKI) or security protocols (e.g., TLS or IPsec)

Security Verification

We verify security and privacy properties of energy AI systems based on specifications or implementations, leveraging formal or informal methods

AI-driven Security

We study machine-learning-based security building blocks such as intrusion detection systems (IDS) to make energy systems secure and trustworthy



  • [Jan 20th 2025] Our paper “ExpressPQDelivery: Toward Efficient and Immediately Deployable Post-Quantum Key Delivery for Web-of-Things” has been accepted to WWW 2025!
  • [Dec 7th 2024] Our paper “CubeDimAE: Automatic Autoencoder Generation based on Dimension Estimation by Tessellation” has been accepted to BigComp 2025! Congrats to Byungrok Kim!
  • [Dec 4th 2024] Seohyeon Park awards “Best Poster Award” at KENTECH Annual Research Fair 2024! Congrats!
  • [Nov 11th 2024] Two papers “ApriSig: Data-based Automated Signature Generation Framework Leveraging A-priori Algorithm for Intrusion Detection” and “Study of Cyber Threat Case Analysis and Attack Response Strategies for Power Facilities” are accepted to CISC-W (정보보호학회 동계학술대회)! Congrats to Seohyeong Park and Yoongeun Park, who are the first authors of the papers!
  • [Mar 24th 2024] Our paper “ARIoTEDef: Adversarially Robust IoT Early Defense System Based on Self-Evolution against Multi-step Attacks” has been accepted to ACM Transactions on Internet of Things (TIOT)!
  • [Feb 29th 2024] Hassan Asghar joined our group as a Ph D. stduent. Welcome!
  • [Nov 8th 2023] Our paper “Sharing cyber threat intelligence: Does it really help?” has been accepted to NDSS 2024!
  • [Aug 28th 2023] Byungrok Kim joined our group as a master student. Welcome!
  • [Aug 15th 2023] Our paper “Towards Efficient Privacy-Preserving Deep Packet Inspection” has been accepted to ESORICS 2023!
  • [Aug 1st 2023] Hassan Ashgar joined our group as a research intern. Welcome!
  • [July 1st 2023] Azhar Abbas joined our group as a research intern. Welcome!
  • We have published a book titled “Machine Learning Techniques for Cybersecurity”!
  • Three undergraduate students joined our group as research interns. Welcome!
  • [Jan 26th 2023] Two papers have been accepted to The Web Conference (formerly WWW) 2023!
  • Four undergraduate students joined our group as research interns. Welcome!IS

I am looking for highly self-motivated master students, Ph D students, or MS/Ph D integrated students. If you are interested in joining our group, please send me an email (hwlee@kentech.ac.kr) with your CV! Please also refer to the KENTECH homepage (www.kentech.ac.kr) for the graduate programs to understand the requirements for applications.